VVA Press Release |
Support Senate Bill S.2738 and H.R. 4816
Sen. Jerry Moran Joins With Senator Blumenthal To Introduce Toxic Exposure Research and Military Family Support Act of 2014
(Washington, DC)– "We applaud Senator Jerry Moran (R-KS) and Senator Richard Blumenthal (D-CT) for joining forces to introduce The Toxic Exposure Research Act of 2014," said VVA National President John Rowan. "Among the so-called invisible wounds of war are those brought home by troops that may not manifest for decades. And most tragically, the damage done by the toxins may pass on genetically to the children and grandchildren of our nation's warriors. Our children are the innocent victims of our military service."
This bill, (S.2738), instructs the Department of Veterans Affairs to establish a national center for research on the diagnosis and treatment of health conditions of the descendants of veterans exposed to toxins during service in the Armed Forces. Further, S.2738 calls for the establishment of an advisory board to oversee and assess the work of the center; to determine health conditions that result from toxic exposure; and to study and evaluate cases of exposure. The advisory board will advise the Secretary of VA on issues related to research conducted at the National Center and the particular benefits and services required by the descendants of individuals exposed while serving as members of the Armed Forces.
Read Entire Press Release

View Senator Moran's Speech on YouTube |
As Reported by The New York Times |
Senate Confirms New VA Secretary

In a July 29 NY Times article by Robert A. Oppel, Jr., the Senate voted unanimously on Tuesday, July 29, to confirm Robert A. McDonald, the 61-year-old former chief executive of Procter & Gamble, to take the helm of the sprawling and embattled Department of Veterans Affairs after a scandal over the manipulation of patient wait-time data led to the ouster two months ago of Eric Shinseki.
Read complete article here |
HVAC Press Release |
HVAC Chair Miller Statement on House Passage of VA Reform Bill
From a July 30 HVAC press release: After passage of the Conference Report to Accompany H.R. 3230, Chairman Jeff Miller (R-FL) released the following statement:
"The Department of Veterans Affairs is in the midst of an unprecedented crisis caused by corruption, mismanagement, and a lack of accountability across the board. VA is in need of reform, and I applaud my colleagues in the House for passing legislation to do just that. The Veterans Access, Choice, and Accountability Act of 2014 does three important things. First, it gets veterans off of waiting lists and helps provide them with the medical care they have earned. Second, it empowers the VA secretary to hold failing executives accountable. Finally, it starts a larger conversation about how we can reform the department so it will better serve veterans for years to come. This is an honest solution to an urgent problem, one that is focused on making government more accountable and providing veterans with real choice in their health care decisions. I urge my colleagues in the Senate to send this bill to the President's desk in short order, so we can start fixing what is now a broken bureaucracy." |
VA Press Release |
VA Proposes Discipline for Employees Who Manipulated Wait Time Data
From a July 29 VA press release: The VA today proposed a series of disciplinary actions against six employees at Department facilities in Cheyenne, Wyoming, and Fort Collins, Colorado. These actions are a part of VA's effort to rebuild the trust of America's veterans.
"Employees who have been found to have manipulated data, withheld accurate information from their supervisors, and affected the timeliness of care veterans receive do not reflect VA's values, and their actions will not be tolerated," said Acting Secretary Sloan D. Gibson. "VA must earn back the trust of veterans. Part of earning back that trust is holding people accountable when there is documented evidence of willful misconduct and management negligence. We depend on the dedicated service of VA employees and leaders who live by our core values. Those who have not delivered results honestly have and will be held accountable."
Based on a review by the Inspector General and other Department investigations, VA today proposed disciplinary actions against six employees at the Cheyenne VA Medical Center and Fort Collins Community-Based Outpatient Clinic. As a result of these findings, VA proposed disciplinary actions against the Director of the Rocky Mountain Network (VISN 19) and the Director and Chief of Staff of the Cheyenne VA Medical Center. Certain supervisors in these facilities were found to have personally manipulated data, instructed their subordinates to manipulate data, and withheld accurate information from their superiors. VA today proposed two of the supervisors be removed from Federal service. Additional proposed penalties for other supervisors include two proposed suspensions, a demotion, and admonishments. |
As Reported by Stars and Stripes |
DoD to Investigate Walsh Plagiarism

In a July 29 AP article by Matt Volpe appearing in Stars and Stripes, the Department of Defense has taken the unusual step of overseeing a plagiarism investigation being conducted by the U.S. Army War College against Sen. John Walsh (D-MT), the college's provost said Tuesday, July 29.
Read complete story here |
As Reported by Navy Times |
Vets' Debt Relief in Loan Settlement

In a July 29 Navy Times article by Leo Shane III, about 17,000 service members tricked into predatory loans could see their debts erased under a settlement announced by federal and state regulators on Tuesday, July 29.
Read complete story here |
As Reported by Stars and Stripes |
DoD Unveils "Stolen Valor" Website

In a July 23 Stars and Stripes article by Leo Shane III and Chris Carroll, the Defense Department unveiled a stolen valor website Wednesday, July 23, designed to help citizens see if someone is lying about military medals.
Read complete article here |
VVA National Leadership & Education Conference |
There will be no VVA Web Weekly published August 8, because of VVA's National Leadership & Education Conference in Wichita, KS.
See you in Wichita!
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