Ya' know, every once in a while something comes along that is just perfect!!!
We are here on earth to do good unto others. What the others are here for, I have no idea.
From: jazzhnd@cox.net
To: ;
Subject: Fw: U.S.VETS-2015 Veterans Stand Down / Immediate Needs-18 & 19 March 2015
Date: Thu, 26 Feb 2015 14:53:08 -0800
Can you help?
R. Walker
From: Karen Lewis
Sent: Thursday, February 26, 2015 12:26 PM
Subject: U.S.VETS-2015 Veterans Stand Down / Immediate Needs-18 & 19 March 2015
Hello Community Supporters!
As the 12th Annual U.S.VETS-2015 Veterans Stand Down is quickly approaching, March 18 & 19; the event is still in desperate need of your support in the following ways:
1.Financial Sponsorships ($ No Donation is too Small or Large $)
2.Service Providers (Tables and Registration are Free of Charge - Register online at www.usvetsinc.org/lasvegas)
3.Donations (gently used clothing, new undergarments, hygiene and non-perishable food items - for male and female Veterans - Collection Bins are at the Nellis Commissary and Base Exchange thru March 9th, Individual, Other Donations and Drives are Welcome and Additional Information can be found on the www.usvetsinc.org/lasvegas website)
4.Regular Volunteers (Volunteer Register online at www.usvetsinc.org/lasvegas)
5.Volunteer Leaders (Volunteer Leaders will be assigned to supervise specific areas, such as Courtesy Patrol, Food Services, Volunteer/Provider Registration, Lost & Found, Veteran Intake, etc... and must be able to commit to attend the mandatory meeting on Wednesday-March 11th at 9:30am and commit to being available all day "7am-5pm" on both event days: March 18 & 19 at Cashman Center at 850 North Las Vegas Blvd)
6.Volunteer Donation Sorters (M-Mar 9th, Tu-Mar 10th, W-Mar 11th and Th-Mar 12th from 9am to 2pm at U.S.VETS Donation Storage Facility at 3170 Polaris Avenue, Unit #8-44, Las Vegas, 89102 Point of Contacts are William "Bill" Rowerdink, 702-278-3998, wrowerdink@usvetsinc.org or Michael Goldberg, 702-540-5361, mgoldberg@usvetsinc.org or Alex Dammeir, 702-308-7130, adammeir@usvetsinc.org)
7.Volunteer Barbers and Hairstylist (Email lvinfo@usvetsinc.org to Volunteer to cut Veterans hair during the event)
*Note: Regular Volunteers are encouraged to attend mandatory meeting and to volunteer all day - both event days as well
*Again, Please Visit the U.S.VETS-Las Vegas Website to become a Sponsor, to Donate, to Register to Volunteer or be a Service Provider and/or for Additional Event Information at www.usvetsinc.org/lasvegas or email lvinfo@usvetsinc.org
Thanks in Advance for your Support!
Retired Air Force Veteran
CP: 702-236-0453
FB: Karen Ann Soumas Lewis
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